The 6th Annual General Meeting of SLANSHEI was held on the 17th of March 2023, at Raffles Residence, Mirihana. Dr. Athula Pitigala-Arachchi in his welcome address stated that having analysed the global expansion of non-state higher education over the past two decades, two factors had underpinned its rapid expansion, namely, the recognition through legislation and provision of financial assistance. He emphasised the urgent need for progress on these two fronts for the expansion of the non-state higher education sector in Sri Lanka. SLANSHEI, in the past year had submitted two policy papers to the Ministry of Education on these two aspects titled “Strengthening and Expansion of the Student Loan Scheme”and “Regulation of Non-State Higher Education and Approval to Use the Titles ‘University’ and ‘University College”. He pointed out that as an association, SLANSHEI should strive to increase its contribution to higher education in Sri Lanka.
During the presentation of the Annual Report by Hon. Secretary Gamindu Hemachandra, it was highlighted that SLANSHEI had acted upon the strategic plan adopted at the beginning of the committee’s tenure. The activities of the year contributed towards achieving the mission and vision of the association. The foundation put in place can now be used to further strengthen the operations of SLANSHEI.
The Executive Committee for 2023/2024 was then elected by the members.
President: Prof. Veranja Karunartne
Vice President: Dr. Dayan Rajapaksa
Hon. Secretary: Mr. Gamindu Hemachandra
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Nizam Razzaq
Committee Members: Mr. Upul Daranagama
Dr. Upali Sedere
Prof. Nalaka Jayakody
Mr. Chamara Weerathunge
The president for 2023/2024, Prof. Veranja Karunaratne in his address, highlighted the recent recognition of the NSHE sector by the parliamentary select committee and the problems caused by the inability to use the term ‘university’ by NSHEIs. Prof. Karunaratne thanked SLANSHEI members for their fellowship, camaraderie, and cooperation, and lauded the lack of conflict amongst members while working towards a shared vision. He expressed confidence in SLANSHEI’s role in pushing boundaries for the development and recognition of the NSHE sector.