The Sri Lanka Association of Non-State Higher Education Institutes (SLANSHEI) conducted its very first leadership training programme for youth on 25 June 2024 at Maliyadeva College, Kurunegala which brought together 700 students from ten schools in the city for a day of learning on higher education opportunities, the impact of recent developments in artificial intelligence on future careers and principle centred leadership.
Dr Dayan Rajapakse, President of SLANSHEI, Senior Vice President of Federation of Information Technology Sri Lanka (FITIS), Chaiman of ESoft Metro Campus and a distinguished old boy of Maliyadeva College introduced the students to the opportunities in higher education offered by the private sector in Sri Lanka. He highlighted that there were 25 Degree Awarding Non-State Higher Education Institutes (DANSHEIS) accredited by the Ministry of Education and other Institutions offering degrees that were recognized by the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka. He went on to introduce the students to the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF), urging students to take advantage of the opportunities for lateral entry into a degree programme even if they were unsuccessful in their GCE Advanced Level examination. He also educated the students on the Interest Free Student Loan Scheme and encouraged the students to take every opportunity available to invest in their future.
Mr Chandana Ranasinghe, CEO of Accentura, and another distinguished old boy of Maliyadeva College, addressed the gathering and educated the students on the current state of Artificial Intelligence, its applications, the broad areas of study within the discipline including machine learning and data science, and how AI influences future careers. He advised students to envision applications of AI 10 years into the future and encouraged students to consider skilling themselves in this broad area of study which is experiencing an explosive growth in demand.
The final segment of the programme on leadership development was led by Mr Hasitha Wijesuriya a founding member of Sasnaka Sansada Foundation, a philanthropic organization supporting math education in the education sector as well as spearheading leadership skills development among school children. Mr Wijesuriya highlighted the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset and spoke on the immense potential of young learners.
The inaugural SLANSHEI Future Leaders Summit was ably supported by Mr JSK Godigamuwa, Vice Principal of Maliyadeva College and Mr Lakshman Wenderuwa, the President of the OBA of Maliyadeva College, Kurunegala along with the staff of Maliyadeva College.